古典音乐 - 《伦敦交响乐团:最佳游戏音乐》2CD.Flac










专辑中文名: 最佳游戏音乐
专辑英文名: The Greatest Video Game Music
艺术家: London Philharmonic Orchestra版本
发行时间: 2011年11月07日
地区: 美国,英国
语言: 英语
音乐类型: Classical/Music/Classical Crossover




玩家与原声爱好者必收的一张~由英国作曲家与音乐制作人Andrew Skeet指挥,伦敦爱乐乐团带来的最经典游戏主题曲合辑,光是这对组合和专辑名称,已经让人相当惊喜,再看看一长串曲目信息,可以堪称是教科书级的游戏配乐了,此处是iTunes的Bonus Track Edition版。





01. Advent Rising: Muse 《救世主》交响曲 (Composed by Tommy Tallarico, Emmanuel Fratianni, and Laurie Robinson)
02. Legend of Zelda: Suite 《塞尔达传说》组曲 (Composed by Koji Kondo)
03. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Theme 《使命召唤:现代战争2》主题曲 (Composed by Hans Zimmer)
04. Angry Birds: Main Theme 《愤怒的小鸟》主题曲 (Composed by Ari Pulkkinen)
05. Final Fantasy VIII: Liberi Fatali 《最终幻想8:命运之子》(Composed by Nobuo Uematsu)
06. Super Mario Bros: Theme 《超级马里奥兄弟》主题曲 (Composed by Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo)
07. Uncharted - Drake's Fortune: Nate's Theme 《神秘海域:德雷克的宝藏》主题曲 (Composed by Greg Edmonson)
08. Grand Theft Auto IV: Soviet Connection 《GTA4》苏维埃组曲 (Composed by Michael Hunter)
09. World of Warcraft: Seasons of War 《魔兽世界:战争季节》 (Composed by Jason Hayes)
10. Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty Theme 《合金装备:自由之子》主题曲 (Composed by Harry Gregson-Williams)
11. Tetris Theme (Korobeiniki) 《俄罗斯方块》主题曲 (Composed by Alexey Pajitnov)
12. Battlefield 2: Theme 《战地2》主题曲 (Composed by Joel Eriksson)
13. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 《上古卷轴:湮灭》(Composed by Jeremy Soule)
14. Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare: Main Menu Theme 《使命召唤4:现代战争》主菜单 (Composed by Stephen Barton and Harry Gregson-Williams)
15. Mass Effect: Suicide Mission 《质量效应:危险任务》(Composed by Jack Wall and Sam Hulick)
16. Splinter Cell: Conviction 《分裂细胞:断罪》(Composed by Michael Nielsen, Kaveh Cohen, and Amon Tobin)
17. Final Fantasy: Main Theme 《最终幻想》主题曲 (Composed by Nobuo Uematsu)
18. Bioshock: The Ocean On his Shoulders 《生化奇兵:肩膀上的大海》(Composed by Garry Schyman)
19. Halo 3: One Final Effort 《光环3》(Composed by Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori)
20. Fallout 3: Theme 《辐射3》主题曲 (Composed by Inon Zur)
21. Super Mario Galaxy: Gusty Garden Galaxy 《超级马里奥银河》(Composed by Koji Kondo)
22. Final Fantasy XIII: Hanging Edge 《最终幻想13》[iTunes Bonus Track]



1. Assassin's Creed - Revelations: Main Theme (4:50)
2. Elder Scrolls - Skyrim: Far Horizons (5:18)
3. Legend of Zelda - The Windwaker: Dragon Roost Island (3:43)
4. Final Fantasy VII: One-Winged Angel (4:14)
5. Mass Effect 3: A Future for the Krogan/An End Once and for All (4:59)
6. Halo: Never Forget/Peril (3:52)
7. Sonic the Hedgehog: A Symphonic Suite (6:25)
8. Chrono Trigger: Main Theme (3:13)
9. Luigi's Mansion: Main Theme (3:17)
10. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Fate of the Unknown (3:36)
11. Super Metroid: A Symphonic Poem (5:51)
12. Diablo III: Overture (3:58)
13. Batman Arkham City: Main Theme (3:01)
14. Deus Ex-Human Revolution: Icarus Main Theme (3:50)
15. Fez: Adventure (3:30)
16. Portal: Still Alive (3:09)
17. Little Big Planet: Orb of Dreamers (The Cosmic Imagisphere) (3:38)








